Added scanning of Share NTFS permissions.Automatic scanning of SQL server serial numbers.Added FirmwareRevision,SerialNumber, S.M.A.R.T status for hard disks.Added WMI class Win32_EncryptableVolume.Configuration: possibility to add/change asset states (non-active, broken.'On demand scanning': you can add IP addresses, ranges, hostnames into a textbox and press 'scan now'.Detailed uptime/downtime scanning for Windows computers.Custom field types can now be changed (checkbox, combobox, textbox.Individual users accounts can now be added to web roles.SQL Server License compliance reporting.

New web role: Edit licenses, access to menu “Licenses”.Monitors are automatically scanned as a new asset and are linked to their connected Windows computer.

CMDB: possibility to link assets to other assets and users.Fixed: unable to manually save some scanned windows assets.