Lansweeper license key
Lansweeper license key

  • Scheduled rescan of assets based on asset type or asset group (ex: rescan all printers every 4 hours, rescan group “myservers” every 8 hours).
  • Possibility to import assets from csv file.
  • Better support to detect if antivirus software is installed (windows defender, …).
  • Rename detection for windows computers based on model,serial number, mac address.
  • Internet explorer version automatically added to list of installed software if the information is not available in the add/remove programs list.
  • lansweeper license key

    Added scanning of Share NTFS permissions.Automatic scanning of SQL server serial numbers.Added FirmwareRevision,SerialNumber, S.M.A.R.T status for hard disks.Added WMI class Win32_EncryptableVolume.Configuration: possibility to add/change asset states (non-active, broken.'On demand scanning': you can add IP addresses, ranges, hostnames into a textbox and press 'scan now'.Detailed uptime/downtime scanning for Windows computers.Custom field types can now be changed (checkbox, combobox, textbox.Individual users accounts can now be added to web roles.SQL Server License compliance reporting.

    lansweeper license key

    New web role: Edit licenses, access to menu “Licenses”.Monitors are automatically scanned as a new asset and are linked to their connected Windows computer.

    lansweeper license key

    CMDB: possibility to link assets to other assets and users.Fixed: unable to manually save some scanned windows assets.

    Lansweeper license key