Gay grandpa scat
Gay grandpa scat

gay grandpa scat

Blood in shit poses a risk of blood borne viruses (eg: HIV, hepatitis C) Infections: Shit contains bacteria, bugs, fungi and other organisms (eg: E. coli, salmonella, giardia, shigella, campylobacteriosis, and parasites) and can contain STIs (eg: hepatitis, syphilis, gonorrhoea). Regular laxative use for play is not advisable as this may result in dependency, and lead to malnutrition, dehydration, constipation or haemorrhoids. Eat and drink (water) sensibly before and after play. Consent, boundaries and a safe word should be agreed before play. Coprophagia or coprophagy would appear to derived from the Greek copros, "feces" and phagein, "to eat".īefore play: Hepatitis A and B vaccinations are essential. Scat is derived from Greek skat (faeces/ excrement) and/ or scearn (dung) in Old English. In the sciences, scatology or coprology is the study of faeces (shit) within the animal kingdom generally eg: finding out the health of a creature and where it has been from its shit. BTW: Gay men do not have the monopoly on this practice in fact Internet searches would suggest otherwise (think of girls and cups!) Perhaps it's more about degrees, and while most of us have clearly defined boundaries about what we will and will not do sexually, there are some men who look at this sort of stuff differently. as far as we know) who is to say it's not another variant in human desire, regardless of how it fits in with society's taboos or expectations of what is normal and/ or acceptable. Even if scat disgusts and repulses you (and we're not a fan of it at MEN R US. Without boundaries or inhibitions, some say it is the ultimate in sex. Sharing a special bond with like-minded guys.Physical sexual arousal felt during the release of letting shit go.Humiliation and/ or degradation (shitting on someone else and being shitted upon).Power and /or control of shit play in consensual and non-coercive scenes.Breaks boundaries, crosses lines, and explores the extreme.

gay grandpa scat

Generates an overwhelmingly/ instinctive negative reaction in others.Challenges and break one of society's most tightly held taboos: that the arse is dirty, shit shouldn’t be played with and should be disposed of cleanly.Reasons why guys are attracted to this scene vary and include any of the following: Also known as 'brown' or 'dirty', scat is about getting turned on/ excitement and/ or sexual pleasure from playing with shit including smearing it on the body, eating it, exchanging it, and/ or watching others do the same.

Gay grandpa scat